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Oil Change & Lube

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Car Oil Change Service in Geneseo, NY

You might not think about your car’s oil very often, but the quality and condition of your oil is actually crucial to your car’s function. For instance, if you have dirty, old oil, your engine’s moving parts won’t be properly lubricated. Your gas mileage will suffer, you’ll put too much strain on the engine, and your car could wear out before its time.

Fortunately, keeping your car in good condition is easy when you choose car oil change service from M&R Automotive Service Center. From our service center in Geneseo, NY, we’re happy to give car owners quick, convenient oil change services that get them back on the road in no time. 

oil change service

Helpful, One-of-a-Kind Oil Change Services

Does your car need high-mileage oil? Does the manufacturer recommend fully synthetic or a synthetic blend? No matter what type of oil your car needs and no matter how rare or conventional that type of oil is, we guarantee we’ve worked with it before and have it on hand. Plus, when you come in, we can do more than simply change your oil. We can check the fluid, flush and change it, and clean any other crucial parts of your vehicle to ensure it runs correctly. We also take the time to go over your car and spot any developing problems. We can recommend the simplest possible fix to underlying issues, which saves you money on costly future repairs. 

Types of Oil Changes


Your diesel engine requires an oil change every 7,500 miles to keep your vehicle running smoothly. Includes everything our synthetic oil change service provides. 

Oil System Flush

Remove the sludge, contaminants, and buildup in your vehicle’s engine with a full system flush. Keep your engine running smoother, longer.

Synthetic Oil Change

Help your vehicle resist high temperatures in the summer and frigid startups in the winter with a synthetic oil change. Synthetic oil resists breakdown better than conventional oil, so your vehicle runs better and you can go longer between oil changes. 

Foreign Oil Change

We have the equipment and knowledge necessary to change the oil in all makes and models.  

Call us today at (585) 243-1201 to schedule your oil change and lube!

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